David McCaleb

UX Designer

I have a proven track record of exceeding business goals and solving complex challenges through user centered design. I'm naturally curious and love solving problems with science.

My Process

Diverse teams get the best results

Active team participation brings enthusiasm, fun, and a sense of ownership to creating products that people love. Years as a UX Designer has taught me how to use UX tools to unite diverse teams around a common goal. For example, card sorts to improve Information Architecture, group design sprints to surface and socialize great ideas, or product stories to assure we are all solving the same problem.

Image of Card Sort

Iterate, iterate, iterate

I love sketches, whiteboards, graphics tablets, back-of-napkin doodles – anything that surfaces ideas. Innovation can be messy and dynamic. High fidelity prototypes are important tools later in the process, but sketching, sharing and iterating potential solutions quickly increases communication and encourages collaboration. Doing so early and often saves time and money.

Image of process flow

Evaluation and analysis

Research is a combination of new data and past experience. I conduct heuristic reviews to start re-design projects by identifying low-hanging-fruit and socializing project goals. Competitor reviews (direct and indirect) identify gaps in the product landscape and unique differentiators. Contextual interviews, usability testing, surveys, and site logs all contribute to understanding the user, so we can create products that delight.


Learn more about the way I solve problems. This project shows how I think and my process.