Projects and Lessons Learned

Every new project presents an opportunity to build on what we've learned from past projects. I've had the privilege of working with some amazing collaborators and am proud of the work we've done. Here are a few project successes and takeaways.

If you want to learn more about the way I solve problems, check out my process.

UX is good business

Good UX is good business

When we were challenged to "do more with less", I focused on data, support logs, interviews, and ranking user goals. The app was feature rich, but not always the right features. We added key new items and removed bloat, saving millions while increasing our "Truly Loyal" audience to 70%.

User-Centered-Design, Metrics, Backlog Grooming

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Make it Mobile

Gloucester's annual Schooner Festival inspired an interactive mobile app for the crowds on shore and the sailors alike. My field tests uncovered a flaw not seen in the lab. The original color pallet was hard to read in the bright daylight - a very likely scenario for most users.
View Prototype

Mobile App, Prototype, Field Testing, Context

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Design for Orientation

Mid-test it was clear. Users wanted to hold the phone in landscape view, but the prototyping tool couldn't do it. Never let a tool limit your ability to get the job done! I made a quick HTML/CSS page on-the-fly and kept testing. Knowing a little about how to code makes us more empathetic with developers and may even save the day.

User Testing, Creativity, Coding

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Information Architiecture

Prioritizing content can be a challenge, especially for Enterprise or companies with competing priorities. I have guided dozens of teams in bridging differences of opinion and presented data and business metrics to encourage informed decisions.

Information Architiecture, Navigation, UI Kits, Branding.

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As UX Designer on a complex learning management system, I developed best practices on appplying new Cisco UX web guidelines and UI Kits to third-party and vendor apps. Consistency meant an intuitive quality experience for end users and an app development process that was repeatable.

User Expectations, Branding, UI Kits